
Our Services

We Can Offer You


  • E- Signatures & Power Form (more)
  • Secure & efficient electronic signatures & delivery for authorizations, contracts, & forms.
    Imagine your company’s Vice President is traveling internationally on business. He is currently in the midst of a transfer and needs to sign the third party contract of sale before he can sell his house to the third party and receive funds. He needs these funds to close on his new home in a few days. The VP is in a different time zone and begins to feel the pressure. Summit has the solution. Summit can have the Contract of Sale emailed to your VP, who clicks a few buttons. The contract is electronically signed and returned immediately. The VP’s spouse can simultaneously e-sign the contract from any location in the world.

    This scenario is not fiction. It was taken right out of Summit’s case histories and is just one advantage of the Summit Level of Excellence. Summit’s e-signing solution ends the stress of overnighting legal documents to multiple locations. E-signatures save time and money. Pristine documents are executed in real time with practically no delay whether signers are around the corner or around the world. Access to a web browser is all that’s needed.

  • Smart Collaboration Sheets (more)
  • Summit provides each transferee online access to their own up-to-date SmartSheet™; a summary of the employee’s relocation status. Downloadable attachments to the SmartSheet™ include required authorization documents, contracts, expense reports, and even market updates for the sale of their home. Simply by entering a personalized username and password, access to SmartSheet™ allows each transferee the ability to remain completely informed, up-to-date, and in control during each phase of the relocation process.
  • TRUSTe Security (more)
  • TRUSTe is the leading Internet privacy services and seal provider since 1997. With the TRUSTe seal proudly displayed on our Collaboration site your company and its transferees can feel safe and secure knowing that your online privacy is protected.

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